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House Plan

Moore is divided into six smaller schools called House Teams.  Each student is assigned to a House Team.  All students in your house will have the same teachers for english/language arts, math, social studies and science. The house system allows teachers to know you better and for you to know them better. Students in grade 6 will loop with their teachers to grade 7. In 8th grade, students are remixed and placed in new house teams. 

Proficiency Based Learning

Report cards are issued at the close of each trimester.  Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact teachers, counselors, and administrators with any questions or concerns they may have about their student’s performance.  

Grades earned in the Portland Public Middle Schools will be on a 4 point scale for both Academics and Habits of Work and Learning (HOWLs).  

Academic Content and Skills are common across all three middle schools and exist as a set of course standards and indicators for each class.  These will be shared by individual teachers and used to give meaningful feedback to students on their academic performance and progress.