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Regular and punctual school and class attendance are essential to a student’s educational success.  Students are expected to attend school every day unless they have an excused absence. The following outlines the LMMS policies for attendance and tardiness to school.


Maine State Law and the Portland School Board of Education define excused absence as:

  • personal illness 
  • appointment with a health professional that must be made during school hours.
  • observance of a religious holiday
  • family emergency
  • planned absence for personal or educational purpose which has been pre-approved by the principal/assistant principal
  • educational disruption as defined in Maine Law
  • absences for other reasons are unexcused
Late Arrival

Students who arrive to school after 8:20 AM are considered tardy and must report to the main office with a signed note from a parent/guardian explaining why the student is tardy. Parents/guardians are expected to notify the school office before 8:20 am if their child will be absent or tardy. To report absences and tardies:

Call (207) 874-8150

E-mail Attendance Secretary

All missed days put students behind. Students may be asked to access after school support to catch up from absences. Consistent unexcused absences and unexcused tardies may result in disciplinary action. Students may not leave school property once they have arrived without the permission of a staff member. Students are expected to report directly to their designated areas upon arrival.

For more information, please refer to the following board policies: