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Bus Transportation

Bus transportation is provided for middle school students who live two or more miles from school. Students with IEPs and students with medical challenges who do not meet the distance requirement may be allowed to ride the bus under some circumstances.  Riding the bus is a privilege not a right.  Any student who does not follow the student bus conduct code may face consequences and/or lose his/her/their privilege to ride the bus, including the late bus.  If this occurs, parents/guardians will be responsible for transporting the student to and from school.

Late bus service is provided Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for students who qualify for bus service and stay after school for After School Support with Teachers, After School Support for Restoration, practices, and other school-related reasons.  Students need a signed pass to ride the late bus. The adult who supported the student will provide a late bus pass. The late bus leaves Moore between 4:00 and 4:15.