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Co-Curricular Activities

As a middle school student at Moore, there are many activities, clubs, and sports for you to join.  Be part of Moore by getting involved!  For up-to-date information on co-curricular activities, click here

Clubs and Activities:
Offerings may change from year to year, but here are some examples:
Black Student Union
Civil Rights Team  
Drama Productions  
Garden Club 
Lego Robotics 
Math Team
Model UN
Moore Together Advisory Representatives
Sexuality and Gender Acceptance (SAGA)
Ski & Snowboard Club


Interscholastic Sports
Baseball (8th grade)
Basketball Boys’ (7th & 8th grade)
Basketball Girls’ (7th & 8th grade)
Intramural Basketball
Cross Country Boys’ & Girls’ (all grades)
Indoor Track Boys’ & Girls’ (all grades)
Outdoor Track– Boys’ & Girls’ (all grades)
Soccer Boys’ (7th & 8th grade)
Soccer Girls’ (7th & 8th grade)
Field Hockey (7th & 8th)
Softball (8th grade)
Swim Team Boys’ (all grades - one team for all three middle schools)
Swim Team Girls’ (all grades - one team for all three middle schools)
Tennis Boys’ & Girls’ (all grades)
Wrestling (all grades - one team for all three middle schools)


Intramural Sports
Fitness Factory


Please remember that you will not be allowed to attend or participate in any co-curricular activity under these conditions:

  1. If you missed a practice or rehearsal performance the day before the event.
  2. If you were absent, tardy or dismissed on the day of the event.
  3. If you have been assigned after school support for restoration or a suspension on that day.

Students participating in sports must have a current physical form on file at the school signed by their doctor.