As a middle school student at Moore, there are many activities, clubs, and sports for you to join. Be part of Moore by getting involved! For up-to-date information on co-curricular activities, click here.
Clubs and Activities:
Offerings may change from year to year, but here are some examples:
Black Student Union
Civil Rights Team
Drama Productions
Garden Club
Lego Robotics
Math Team
Model UN
Moore Together Advisory Representatives
Sexuality and Gender Acceptance (SAGA)
Ski & Snowboard Club
Interscholastic Sports
Baseball (8th grade)
Basketball Boys’ (7th & 8th grade)
Basketball Girls’ (7th & 8th grade)
Intramural Basketball
Cross Country Boys’ & Girls’ (all grades)
Indoor Track Boys’ & Girls’ (all grades)
Outdoor Track– Boys’ & Girls’ (all grades)
Soccer Boys’ (7th & 8th grade)
Soccer Girls’ (7th & 8th grade)
Field Hockey (7th & 8th)
Softball (8th grade)
Swim Team Boys’ (all grades - one team for all three middle schools)
Swim Team Girls’ (all grades - one team for all three middle schools)
Tennis Boys’ & Girls’ (all grades)
Wrestling (all grades - one team for all three middle schools)
Intramural Sports
Fitness Factory
Please remember that you will not be allowed to attend or participate in any co-curricular activity under these conditions:
- If you missed a practice or rehearsal performance the day before the event.
- If you were absent, tardy or dismissed on the day of the event.
- If you have been assigned after school support for restoration or a suspension on that day.
Students participating in sports must have a current physical form on file at the school signed by their doctor.